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exit route中文是什么意思

用"exit route"造句"exit route"怎么读"exit route" in a sentence


  • 出口路线
  • 出路通道
  • 发车进路
  • 应急通路


  • On paths to broadening exit routes of venture capital in china
  • The fund will leverage the structural advantages of a rmb fund to create the best exit routes
  • Secondly , study the exiting routing and mac protocols for wireless sensor network
    第二,对无线传感器网络现有的路由协议与介质访问控制( mac )协议进行研究。
  • All these exit routes are used by the " mules " foolish couriers who carry drugs for racketeers
  • Its bigger banks favour lending to state - owned industries ; venture capital is in its infancy , and the country ' s immature equity market fails to offer the dependable exit route demanded by sophisticated early - stage investors
  • Bsci demonstrates the level of safeguard against risks of physical injury and death , the assessment criteria include aspects such as quality of building services such as fire services , electrical supply and fuel supply , as well as quality of building operation such as structural maintenance and exit routes
    楼宇安全状况指数( bsci )显示业主及住客在使用楼宇时在身体受伤及死亡方面可能承受风险之保障,设多项评核准则,包括屋宇设备质素如消防、供电、燃料等,并评核屋宇管理质素如结构维护、逃生通道状况等。
  • Bsci demonstrates the level of safeguard against risks of physical injury and death , the assessment criteria include aspects such as quality of building services such as fire services , electrical supply and fuel supply , as well as quality of building operation such as structural maintenance and exit routes
    楼宇安全状况指数( bsci )显示业主及住客在使用楼宇时在身体受伤及死亡方面可能承受风险之保障,设多项评核准则,包括屋宇设备质素如消防、供电、燃料等,并评核屋宇管理质素如结构维护、逃生通道状况等。
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